Why is Cyberpunk 2077 so heavily criticised for its story and writing?
I’m playing through *Cyberpunk 2077* right now, and it’s not a perfect game by any stretch of the imagination, but I don’t understand the backlash it has gotten on its writing. The writing is authentic to the setting, the plot is engaging, the characters all have strong personalities; where’s the problem?
I don’t understand; the same people who are speaking out against Cyberpunk praise *The Witcher 3* as a great example of video game storytelling. How? *Cyberpunk 2077’s* story is infinitely more mature and original than *The Witcher 3*. W3 had a banal and uninspired plot, with caricatured characters that have been outdated in the fantasy genre years ago. Its writing amounted to Geralt quipping and roasting people while searching for Ciri. Please explain to me how Cyberpunk’s writing is bad when W3’s is lauded as “best ever”.